Eco-packaging is gradually entering - will we break with plastic?

The cups in which we drink coffee can be made from corn flour, the napkins from recycled paper, the cutlery and food boxes from palm leaves.

"We see what is happening to nature, warming is a fact. We said to ourselves that an initiative should be taken to preserve nature. We have been working in this direction for the sixth year now - to make people understand that there are alternatives. They are made from different materials," he told Bulgaria ON AIR Pencho Malinov , who is a producer of eco packaging.

He presented in the studio of "Bulgaria morning" some of the alternative items. At first glance, there is no difference, but the eco cup is stronger and is coated with corn starch on the inside , while the outside is made of cardboard.

Malinov also showed a bowl for hot soup or ice cream, which he guarantees is extremely resistant and does not soften.

The standard term for the degradation of alternative packaging is 3 months . But ordinary ones that contain polyethylene must be landfilled or incinerated, otherwise they do not degrade.

Pencho Malinov also showed a bag made of corn starch, which also decomposes in nature and is an alternative to our well-known plastic bags.

"We already have a culture and many different sites have started working with this type of packaging. In terms of price, the difference is no longer so significant , we are talking about pennies. It is not the price that turns them away. People are quite educated in this direction," the manufacturer emphasized.

Watch the entire conversation in the video.


